Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Introduction to a Frazzled English Major

Good day all! My name is Amanda Jones. I am a senior English literature major at the University of Oklahoma. It's not an easy major and definitely not for the faint of heart; there's a lot of reading and writing involved, which can be exciting, but also tiring. I have taken some amazing classes, however, like one over Jane Austen, one over the History of the English language, and one over publishing a magazine. These were some of the hardest classes I have taken, but they were also some of the best because they were so interesting and they challenged me. I took 18 hours last semester, a feat I have never attempted before, and I survived. I love to read, everything from Harry Potter to Jane Austen to The Great Gatsby. The downside of being an English major, however, is while I read all the time, it is not always for fun much. 

I am the oldest of three siblings, so I have the older child symptom of being a perfectionist and too responsible for my own good at times. At times, being an only child would be nice, but then I would miss the fun of tormenting my siblings.
I have a lot of favorites. I am a huge Disney fanatic, if you could not already tell from my "Favorite Place" post. Disney movies are my guilty pleasure, and no matter what mood I'm in, I'm always in the mood for Disney. I am also a big fan of British television shows, such as Sherlock, Doctor Who, and Downton Abbey

My favorite foods are pizza, popcorn, and Mountain Dew, and any day when I eat all three is a good day. I make pretty good homemade pizza out of tortillas, pizza sauce, and cheese. Sadly, I can't make Mountain Dew from scratch.
I'm fairly typical, as I love watching tv and movies, spending time with friends, and eating. I also love to make jewelry for fun. My favorite thing, though, is spending time with the people I love. That's what always makes my day.
There you have it; some things about me, maybe interesting, maybe not. I hope y'all enjoy my blog and it keeps you interested.

Image 1 by Neal Call posten in 2012 on his blog, "English Major Versus the World." Web source: English Major Versus the World
Image 2 by Laura S. posted in 2013 on her blog, "English Without End." Web source: English Without End 
Image 3 by Ray MacLean in 2012 on his Flickr account. Web source: Flickr


  1. Oh, how great that you did a History of the English Language class, Amanda! I am really interested in words and their histories, and also in the history of grammar and style. Being curious about words is always something helpful for both readers and writers!

    I also share your passion for British TV, especially Doctor Who (I grew up on the old Doctors, so it has been so nice to see the series revive now). Have you watched Foyle's War? That is another great one I think!

    So, this class will be a different kind of reading that in your other classes, focused on short stories (even very short stories), changing week to week... I hope you will have fun with that, and if you want to also have a more literary focus for your class project, that would also work too! You can browse the Freebookapalooza next week when you start thinking about a project and see what grabs your interest there: it's a giant library of free books, all online! :-)

  2. Hi Amanda! Props to you for being an English Lit major! One of my friends in Professional Writing was a double major with PW and English Literature, and she ended up having to make English Lit her minor because it was too hard and time consuming.
    I really enjoyed reading The Great Gatsby in high school. We read it in my American Studies class and then threw a huge 1920's party where we were allowed to get out of dress code for a day and wear flapper dresses and suits instead.
    I completely understand older child syndrome. I stress out about overachieving all of the time, but there's nothing like relieving that stress by singing the wrong lyrics to my younger sister's favorite songs.
    Jewelry making sounds like a really cool, interesting hobby! I once made a friendship bracelet with my roommate out of a kit & the elastic broke the next day so props to you.
    It was fun reading your introduction, and I look forward to reading more of your stuff!

  3. Hi Amanda! I really enjoyed reading your introduction because I could see a lot of your personality coming through in your writing! Also, I love the theme of your blog. 18 hours! Yikes! My hat is off to you for that. Most semesters I have a hard time balancing 15! I also love to read and write, but I definitely know that struggle of not being able to read for fun. I agree that spending time with the people you love is truly the best way to spend free time. I love spending time with my family and sometimes I really miss living at home.

  4. Nice to meet you, Amanda! Sounds like you have tons of experience with writing so I'm excited to read your stories! Great job finishing an 18 hour semester; that must have been incredibly difficult. I don't think I could ever handle that, so I really admire you for finishing! I don't think I could imagine being the oldest; I'm actually the youngest of four. I'm sure you always have a lot on your plate because of your siblings.

  5. I have to say that I love Disney and Disney world as well. It is always a good day in my book when Disney is involved. I don’t think I could be an English major. Writing is not my strong suit, and while I love reading, if it’s not something that I am totally interested in I get bored very easily. Thankfully as a computer science major, most of what we type isn’t actual words.

  6. Hi Amanda,
    I think it's so funny that in our blog comments group for this week you and Morgan love Disney! I loved Disney movies growing up, like all the princess movies. My favorite is Cinderella. My second favorite is Mulan. And my third and fourth favorites are Pocahontas and The Litter Mermaid. I love some of the newer Disney movies, but those are all the ones I grew up with. But something I don't always admit to is the fact that sometimes when adult life begins to be too much, I just sit down and watch one of those, basically reverting back to childlike behavior! :)

  7. I feel for you so hard as an elder sibling of four, myself. You literally describe my day-to-day habits to a tee, all you need to do is throw in an uncontrollable sense of paranoia, and it's perfect. I also admire your major, since English is a weird language, even though we speak it all the time. Don't be surprised if I might come to you for feedback on future stories!

  8. I'm right there with you on favorite foods with pizza being my personal favorite also. I have not ever tried making my own at before but have always wanted to, so I might have to try your method sometime. 18 hours of classes is certainly an impressive task to work through, guess it is a benefit of the flat tuition. When it comes to Disney I don't think you ever get to old to watch one of their movies.

  9. Nice to “meet” you, Amanda! We have a lot of the same interests, although I can’t share your enthusiasm for an English major. That is not something that would fit for me at all but it sounds like it is great for you, so that’s terrific!
    I also love reading, Harry Potter being one of my all time favorites. I drink way more mountain dew than I should probably admit and I love to make jewelry too (I have since I was barely able to understand what beads and jewelry were). When I was a kid, one of my favorite things I ever got as a gift was a paper bead maker. I kind of miss that thing but I’m not sure it’s socially acceptable for a 27 year old woman to go around giving people home made paper beaded gifts. Lol.

  10. Props to you for being an English major! I don't think I could do it! I like writing, but the reading... Not so much. I also love pizza and Mountain Dew, and I'm gonna have to try your homemade pizza recipe! LOL it sounds right up my alley. Good job surviving those 18 hours! I took that many a few semesters ago, and let's just say I haven't since!

  11. English has never been a strong suit of mine, so I give you props for making it through college studying it. Though I love reading and writing, I never enjoyed it as much when I am forced to do so. I attempted 19 hours last semester, but it was so overwhelming that I had to drop physics to take later on (and make sure I actually pass it). Congrats on accomplishing and surviving it! I love mountain dew, even though it's not good for you, lol. The blue one is my weakness!

  12. Hi Amanda,
    The owl photo is so adorable haha. From personal experience as an only child, it is not as fun as it sounds. It gets pretty lonely… I always wish I had siblings growing up! I love how you mentioned a tortilla pizza. The ultimate college food right there, and I should definitely try that. Good luck on your future endeavors!

  13. Hey, I'm an English minor! I'm on the writing track instead of literature, but I'm in a lit class right now about Arthurian literature. As you said, quite a bit of reading and writing and dissecting, but it's so interesting!

    It's cool that you like to make jewelry for fun! My mom does the same thing, and I've dabbled, but I bet you know more. Do you mostly do necklaces and/or bracelets? I like doing earrings because that's what I usually wear.

  14. Oh wow! The classes that you've had the opportunity to take at OU are really awesome and I've never heard of most them. I love that you added humorous memes onto intro to describe more about who you are and what you do! I, also, find it difficult to find the time to read a book for fun... although my major is not English.

  15. Hey Amanda! It's nice to (kind of) meet you! I think the classes you have gotten the opportunity to take at OU sound so awesome! They sound challenging yet fun and rewarding! I would be interested in taking the class about making magazines! I would love to try making pizza with tortillas! That sounds so strange, but appetizing!

  16. Amanda, it is nice to meet you! That is awesome that you are an English Literature major. I find it so impressive that people are so good at reading and writing. I myself am more of a math and science guy so it awesome seeing how talented people are. I have actually not watched any of the shows you mentioned but Sherlock is definitely on my list on Netflix. Also, your food choice are perfect. I absolutely love popcorn and pizza. I do like Mountain Dew, but I am more for Coke. Anyways, good luck this semester!

  17. Nice to meet you Amanda! I have been taking a lot of credit hours too trying to graduate on time, and it really isn’t as scary as it seems. I wish I would have taken more in my first years of college though! Your blog looks really interesting and I like the theme you have chosen. I am looking forward to seeing some of your stories and exploring!

  18. Amanda, it's nice to meet you! I can imagine being an English major can be tough, I'm not the biggest fan of reading. I enjoy disney movies too, there's something about doing things that you used to do when you were a child that always feels good! I like your pizza idea, i've attempted to make some on tortillas but for some reason is always comes out too crunchy. The only solution there is too put more cheese. That's always the solution I guess! Looking forward to reading your stories, good luck!

  19. Hi Amanda,it is nice to meet you! I just have to say: excellent television choices! I'm a die-hard Doctor Who, and I definitely love Sherlock. I, too, have a younger sibling, and I totally understand the fun of tormenting them. You major seems quite challenging -- I typically avoid reading and writing-intensive classes. (I'm kind of surprised I took this one!) Well, congrats on almost being done with undergrad!

  20. Hello! I am glad you are enjoying the classes involved for your major! I am not sure I could keep up with all that reading! I have been in 18 hours the past two semesters. And wow I feel you. Ha, it is rough. Are you graduating this semester? I also love anything Disney and British shows! Great choices! Have a great rest of the semester!

  21. It's nice to officially meet you Amanda! Being an English Lit major explains why you're such a great writer! Though the major requires a lot of reading and writing, you have definitely proven and I'm sure improved a lot over the years in your knowledge of the countless books read. You could teach me a thing or two. Congrats to accomplishing 18 hours last semester, I don't know how you did it. I would have died, honestly. I can hardly do 9 hours with my work schedule; props to you for standing strong and finishing though!
    Which Disney movie is your all time favorite btw? And that's awesome that you love pizza as well as hanging out with the people you love. Nothing beats a nice day as such!

  22. I am also a senior, are you graduating in May? I was always extremely good at science and math and had a difficult time with reading and English (even though it is my first and only language) so I know that English definitely is not easy. I really wish that I was more knowledgeable in that area to be a more efficient writer.

  23. Hey, congrats on being a senior! I also love reading and entertained the idea of being an editor someday before I decided I didn't want my hobby to become my job haha. Kudos to you for making it through those hard classes though! I don't know what I would do if I had to write all of those things every semester. I also love watching Netflix and hanging out with my friends! I don't really watch as much British shows, but I do enjoy Game of Thrones and Black Mirror.

  24. This is the end of Week 14 and this is the first time stumbling upon your blog. I am also a Disney fanatic; I could watch Disney all day, every day! I also really love Jane Austen; I have all her books. I am pretty unoriginal, but my favorite Austen book is Pride and Prejudice. If I had to pick a different one though it would be Emma.
