The story of Bathsheba is a tragic one. I can imagine Bathsheba just going about her day, possibly in fear for her husband's life, when the king demands she come to him. She can't say no to the king, but I don't believe that she wanted to be with David. I choose to believe she loved Uriah and felt terribly guilty for this adultery. Perhaps I am wrong. However, I see no reason to condemn Bathsheba, and I do feel bad for her. It could be interesting to write the story from her perspective, perhaps in biblical times, or perhaps in the modern world. I would like to keep her loyal if I did though.
Esther was such an amazing woman, and she deserves the book named after her. She was beautiful, but I think it was her kindness and gentleness which caused people to like her. She could have been beautiful, but a horrid person, like Vashti. However, she was kind and people noticed. I also love how this is basically the origination of the bachelor, except with many, many more candidates. A story about a competition for a man's heart is always a fun one to write, and I could even switch it around and make Esther a man. I also love Esther's compassion. She was in a place where she could have ignored her people and lived her life in luxury. But instead, she chose to use her new status to save her people. It was incredibly brave to do, as she could have been killed along with them. I love that this story is not simply one where a beautiful girl becomes a queen, but also where she uses her power to help people and to do good.
The story of Susanna is one I have never heard before. I found myself rooting for Susanna, and getting upset when she was pronounced guilty. I admire her piety and her loyalty to God and her husband. It would be hard to accept death, but she does it knowing she is innocent. This is a really beautiful story.
I love the story of Elisabeth and Mary, because it shows two women in very different situations-one very old and one very young-who were both blessed with children. I believe it is because of their faith and obedience in God that caused them to be blessed. I wish we could know more about these women, because they seem so amazing. Perhaps I could write a story about one or both of them.
Herodias was an extremely crazy woman it would seem. I could possibly understand her anger at John the Baptist. However, asking for a man's head seems to be the request of a morbid person. It seems almost ridiculous that her daughter would go along with it and give her mother John's head. This is a very odd story indeed.
Martha and Mary were some interesting women in the Bible. I can understand Martha's irritation that her sister is being very unhelpful. But while she was stressing about, trying to make things perfect, Mary chose to relax and enjoy Jesus' teachings, and I think she found the true reward. Later, when their brother dies, again Martha tries to impress Jesus even in her grief by telling him she has faith, and so she may. However, Mary is much more transparent with Jesus, and in a way blames him. I think this passage shows that while Martha outwardly appeared to be the more godly one, Mary internally understood Jesus more. I love these two sisters and I think it would be cool to write about them, though I am not sure what I would write. Perhaps a story of a brother dying, and the sisters' grief.
I love the story of Elisabeth and Mary, because it shows two women in very different situations-one very old and one very young-who were both blessed with children. I believe it is because of their faith and obedience in God that caused them to be blessed. I wish we could know more about these women, because they seem so amazing. Perhaps I could write a story about one or both of them.
Herodias was an extremely crazy woman it would seem. I could possibly understand her anger at John the Baptist. However, asking for a man's head seems to be the request of a morbid person. It seems almost ridiculous that her daughter would go along with it and give her mother John's head. This is a very odd story indeed.
Martha and Mary were some interesting women in the Bible. I can understand Martha's irritation that her sister is being very unhelpful. But while she was stressing about, trying to make things perfect, Mary chose to relax and enjoy Jesus' teachings, and I think she found the true reward. Later, when their brother dies, again Martha tries to impress Jesus even in her grief by telling him she has faith, and so she may. However, Mary is much more transparent with Jesus, and in a way blames him. I think this passage shows that while Martha outwardly appeared to be the more godly one, Mary internally understood Jesus more. I love these two sisters and I think it would be cool to write about them, though I am not sure what I would write. Perhaps a story of a brother dying, and the sisters' grief.
All in all, I have a lot of ideas, and it will be difficult to chose what to write about for tomorrow's story.
"Bible Women," the Bible. Source link: Part B
Image 1 information: "Queen Esther" by Verena (verrykt), 2009. Web source: DeviantArt
Image 2 information: "Mary Has Chosen What is Better" by Anna (christadaelia), 2013. Web source: DeviantArt
Image 2 information: "Mary Has Chosen What is Better" by Anna (christadaelia), 2013. Web source: DeviantArt